About 3DE located in Coral Springs Florida
3DE was founded in Pompano Beach FL in 1996 and has established a national reputation for being a premier rapid prototype and rapid manufacturer concern across many industries.
Our office is located in Coral Springs, Florida. We serve all of South Florida and the South Eastern part of the United States. *We are available to work with you outside of our designated areas. Please contact us for a consultation.
It was the 1st large capacity Rapid Prototype Center in Florida and has 20-years of continuous operations.
It maintains a diverse application portfolio to support both development and manufacturing programs in industries such as Aerospace, Consumer, Medical, Electronic, Marine and Automotive.
3DE’s mission has remained steadfast since opening its doors in 1996:
“To dramatically reduce customer’s time and cost to market through innovative prototype and manufacturing applications.”
Clients Include:
ITT Automotive
Good Year
Pratt and Whitney
Lockhead Martin
Lucent Technologies
Hughes Space and Communications
Sandia National Laboratories
Teledyne Inc.

Note: The logos shown are a partial list of 3DE customers only. All company, product or service logos shown are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.